penguin sharpener & pork bun

No. 007
.collection(s):: penguins, animals
.obtained:: @ Chapters
.status:: In Use
.explain:: I love penguins. Even though I generally dislike birds, I love penguins. This cute little guy is a sharpener I found at Chapters. I wasn't going to buy it but he's just too cute. Though I say he's "in use", I don't really use wood pencils; I'm more of a mechanical pencil kind of girl. However, when I do use wood pencils, I like to stick them into his butt. Ok. Moving on from that disturbing image.

No. 008
.collection(s):: phone charms
.obtained:: Summer 2010 @ T&T
.status:: Retired
.explain:: I bought this pork bun character at T&T with my baby sister. I love it's face and it actually smelled really nice though I don't think it was intended to. I used him over the summer and everything was fine and dandy until my friend's dog came around and, without me knowing, pulled it off my phone. I finally found it a few days later all gross and dirty. After his traumatic experience, this little guy went into retirement. He has an appropriate face to express his working days, ne?

Ah I haven't posted in awhile. I've been at school everyday, all day this week and didn't have time to take pictures. I'll try to take a bunch of pictures in advance this weekend but I'll be spending my weekend at school as well....

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