gentle blossom + loyal lavender

No. 049
.collection(s):: nailpolish, green, purple
.obtained:: June 2011 @ Walmart
.status:: In Use
.explain:: This summer I really wanted to get some pastel coloured nail polish; all my other nail polish are quite vibrant. So, I bought these two colours here. The contrast is probably too strong here but they are very pretty pastel colours. The green is like a mint/honey dew colour and the purple is a light lavender. Here's how they look on (the colours may be a little washed out but this is pretty accurate).


butterfly fan

No. 048
.collection(s):: purple
.obtained:: August 2011
.status:: In Use
.explain:: My boyfriend sent this to me from Japan. It's from the 100 yen shop (dollar store equivalent) but the quality is really good! I'll definitely need to visit the 100 yen shop when I go to Japan. My little sister bought a similar fan from Chinatown for $2 but the quality was pretty poor. I really love the design on it and, of course, it's my favorite colour!